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Quick Start

Please ensure you've followed the installation steps here first.

Configure Fastlane

At the top of your Fastfile include the following imports:

fastlane_require 'dotenv'
fastlane_require 'fastlane-plugin-apadmi_grout'

Run the scripts as follows.

Note, many attributes are pulled directly from the Environment Variables above.

TODO: Update version info with utils from build tools once they're created
platform = "Android/iOS" # Edit as needed
full_version_string = "<Pulled from source>" # For example:
version_name = "<Pulled from source>" # For example 0.1.0
min_sdk_int = "<Pulled from source>" # For example: 28
tag_pattern = "start**changelog-v#{version_name}"

# Find the tickets ready to be moved
# Also flags tickets that appear to be in an incorrect state
tickets_to_move = find_tickets_to_move

# Move the JIRA tickets and assigned given versions
    versions: ["#{platform} v#{full_version_string}", "#{platform} v#{version_name}"],
    issues: tickets_to_move

# Generate the release notes based on 
release_notes, release_notes_file = generate_release_notes(
    oldest_ref: last_git_tag(pattern: tag_pattern),
    app_version: full_version_string,
    min_sdk_int: min_sdk_int,
    tickets_moved_by_build: tickets_to_move

UI.success("Release Notes generated successfully")

Yard Reference

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