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Getting Started

These build tools are made up of two components.

    state "Fastlane Plugin" as fastlane
    state "Core Ruby gem" as core
    fastlane --> core

The Fastlane plugin contains some useful build utilities and is also a thin wrapper on top of the core Ruby library.

Setup Environment Variables

  1. Copy .env.example file to .env file. This will then be used by tests.
    cp .env.example .env
  2. Create a file called .secret.env in the project root with the following content.
    JIRA_USERNAME="<User name>"
    JIRA_API_TOKEN="<Api Token>"
    ADO_PAT="<Ado personal access token>"
    Replace the placeholders with your credentials.

Install Dependencies

You'll need Bundler to install install dependencies. Then run

bundle install
(cd fastlane-plugin-apadmi_grout; bundle install)

This will install all the dependencies from both Gemfiles.

Useful Commands

# Core library

rake       # Run Rubocop & all tests
rubocop -A # Run linting and autocorrect issues if possible

# Fastlane Plugin

cd fastlane-plugin-apadmi_grout
rake       # Run Rubocop & all tests
rubocop -A # Run linting and autocorrect issues if possible


Both packages use RuboCop for linting and code quality.


Both packages use Rake for building and running tests.


Recommend using RubyMine for development (though any generic editor like VSCode will do)

For best RubyMine integration open the root of the project in RubyMine, and separately open the fastlane-plugin-apadmi_grout directory in a separate instance.

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